There are billions of websites but, some websites stand aside from other websites. I'm now going to tell you my favorite five websites, that are really helpful and useful. Some of the websites that I blind foldly trust.
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Top Five Websites
InfoBarrel: Get Paid to Write is a Shared Revenue Social Media Community. They are creating a venue for writers, media producers and other content developers to publish their material and create an extra revenue source. Not only do they want to help content producers, but also want to attract visitors from all around the world with information that provides value to their daily lives. Whether the value is created through a simple how-to tie a tie article, a salad recipe or instructions on how to make an amazing cocktail, it is our goal to be your information destination.
Earn Money
Every time a piece of your content is published on Infobarrel, you have the opportunity to make money. As a publisher on Infobarrel you are entitled to 75% of all the Google Adsense and eBay Partner Network ad impressions generated by your content. You need a Google Adsense and/or a eBay Partner Network account in order to make money. If you don’t have either, you can signup for both a Google Adsense and an eBay Partner Network account using your InfoBarrel profile URL as your website. Google usually has you setup with 24 hours after applying and eBay is anywhere from instantaneous to up to 48 business hours. For more information on how to get a Google Adsense Publisher ID, checkout this article and this article for how to get an eBay Partner Network Campaign ID.
ShareMembers can email articles to their friends using our handy email function. If you know other people who may want to contribute to Infobarrel in the form of content, refer them with your referrer code found in your account and receive 2% of all the ad impressions generated by the content they create.
Share A Pic: Get Paid to share your pics
Hello friends, I just found a great website on internet where you can get paid if someone views your pics. Isn't it cool...?
Just upload some cool pics and invite others or post it on blogs or forums to view your pics and it will generate some amount of income for you. Apart from this, you can also add your bidvertiser ads for secondary income. This is very easy and free to join.
The best pics would be of payment proofs, pets, natural calamities and other shocking or disastrous images.
Here, you can earn by referring others about this website. It pays 10% of your referral's earnings to you (It doesn't pay you after cutting your referrers earnings; It pays this as reward for referring).
Payment Details
Earnings vary each month based off the amount of income Shareapic generates from advertising. Once this number is finalized a percentage of that is distributed throughout Shareapic members depending on how many image views they have accrued. At present, their current pay rate is $1.00 per 4,500 image views with additional CPM pay.
Minimum Payout : $20 via PayPal
Stepping Stone to Make Money Online
This is an important notification to all of you who seeking some easy opportunities to earn online. In order to earn online, you must first create your own payment processor accounts.
Nowadays, almost all websites wants you to have a payment processor account, so that they can transfer your earnings easily. After, transferring it to your payment processor account, you can either withdraw your money to your native bank account or shop online through eBay.
Some of the famous used payment processors are: PayPal and AlertPay. Of these, PayPal is most commonly used and AlertPay is usually used for Paid To Click sites.
So, this is very clear that if you have intentions of earning online, then you must first create one now. To create your own PayPal or AlertPay account, please click their respective banners below:
Scavenger Cash Forums - Get Paid to Post
This is another very good website where you can promote your site or referral links or post any normal suggestions or queries and for all these you will get paid from them. From this site, you will get more traffic to your site as well as referrals. I recommend you to join this site, so that you can also earn by promoting your site and referring others.
Also, here is the payment proof of getting paid from them (please click the image to enlarge):
So, this is another good site which is very useful and promotional also. :)
Ciao reduced its incentive of $1 to $0.25 per review
The best paid to review website Ciao, reduced its incentive of $1 to $0.25 per review. Due to this decision many Ciao members are upset. Now, they have to contribute 4 times more to earn what they used to earn before. To compensate this reduction, Ciao has introduced some new and cool contests for which prize money would be $5. This was done to encourage good and quality reviewers and discourage those who just write anything to get that amazing $1. So, for quality writers, there should be no problem with this. Also, Ciao introduced $1 system for a short period only. :)
Shvoong - Good Paid To Review website
‘Shvoong’ is a world-wide center for abstracts, offering a wide variety of abstracts in 34 different languages. Our goal is to summarize all that has been written throughout human history in the areas of literature and scientific research, thus providing you the essence of human knowledge. All the abstracts are written by our users, citizens of the world, who not only enjoy sharing their knowledge with everyone, but also earn royalties for their work. The site has no pretension of replacing the real thing — whether books or studies — with abstracts, but rather serve as a tool that helps you swim in the sea of information, separate the chaff from the wheat.
Here, you can earn for writing reviews about any e=website, movie, book, newspaper and many more.....
Shvoong pays 10% of its advertising revenues to the writers. The key to the distribution of money amongst the writers is the number of times a summary is viewed (therefore it is preferred that the summary be well written)
It pays through Paypal.
Minimum Payout : $10
Come, read, and enjoy! *and in the same breath also* Come, write, and earn!
Associated Content - Earn for page views
Associated Content (AC) is an Open Content Network. At this time, AC pay exclusively via PayPal. All you need to receive payments from us is a basic, personal PayPal account, which is free. To sign up, visit Typically, payments are sent every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (except for holidays). If a payment is not sent on one of these days, be assured it will be sent by the following designated day.
What are the benefits of becoming a Content Producer?
First, Associated Content enables you to build an audience for your content - any topic, every format - online. How will an audience benefit you? That depends on your goal. Maybe you're a freelance or full-time media professional that's looking for creative freedom - you can find an audience for that on AC. Maybe you're a small business owner and you want to establish your expertise in a particular topic to generate business - you can do that on AC. Maybe you're an up-and-coming videographer and want to create an online profile. Or, you might be a blogger that wants to expand your audience, a hobbyist that wants to share some tips, an activist that wants to educate the public. Maybe you just have some content that you really want to share. Because Associated Content enables a vast, worldwide audience to discover your content, the possibilities are endless.
You can also earn cash while you build that audience. AC pays you based on the performance of your content, and that means you can keep earning against the same content long after you have published it on AC.
To join please click the image below:

SharedReviews- Paid to Write/Review site
SharedReviews is a social network that allows you to connect with other consumers to share and learn about real consumer product experiences. SharedReviews is built on the simple idea that community comes first. Community members are so important, that not only do SharedReviews pay them a portion of the money generated from members involvement in the community, the amount is determined by how much effort members put into getting involved with SharedReviews.
So, here you can earn dollars if you participate in that site. There are many people who have earned above $500 in that site.
Ciao - It pays to review your favorite products
This is website pays you $0.25+ for every product/mobile/gadget/movie you review.
Conditions for your review to get paid are:
1) It should not be copied
2) It should be minimum 120 words review.
Minimum Payout : $5 via Paypal
Payment will given on second week of coming month. But, you can request payment any time.
If you review 10 products per day, then you can earn $75+ per month.
If you are still not convinced, then please check my earnings image(Click the Image):
For any other info, please mail to:
To Join this Website, please click the link below: