Associated Content (AC) is an Open Content Network. At this time, AC pay exclusively via PayPal. All you need to receive payments from us is a basic, personal PayPal account, which is free. To sign up, visit Typically, payments are sent every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (except for holidays). If a payment is not sent on one of these days, be assured it will be sent by the following designated day.
What are the benefits of becoming a Content Producer?
First, Associated Content enables you to build an audience for your content - any topic, every format - online. How will an audience benefit you? That depends on your goal. Maybe you're a freelance or full-time media professional that's looking for creative freedom - you can find an audience for that on AC. Maybe you're a small business owner and you want to establish your expertise in a particular topic to generate business - you can do that on AC. Maybe you're an up-and-coming videographer and want to create an online profile. Or, you might be a blogger that wants to expand your audience, a hobbyist that wants to share some tips, an activist that wants to educate the public. Maybe you just have some content that you really want to share. Because Associated Content enables a vast, worldwide audience to discover your content, the possibilities are endless.
You can also earn cash while you build that audience. AC pays you based on the performance of your content, and that means you can keep earning against the same content long after you have published it on AC.
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